Celebrate the 100th Day of School!
With the hundredth day of school comes cause for celebration as well as an opportunity for some fun games and activities. For your...

Avoiding Holiday Brain Drain During Winter Break
While it sure is nice to kick back and unwind once school is out for Winter Break, you and your child should be wary of completely...

Five Ways Families Can Spend More Time Together During the Busy School Year
The new school year is officially underway, and with it comes a seemingly endless list of priorities to balance. Between homework,...

Five Tips to Ensure a Smooth Back to School Transition for the Whole Family
Summer break is officially winding down— over the next few weeks, kids will be saying goodbye to their camps and vacations in order to...

Preventing Summer Brain Drain: How To Help Your Children Avoid The Summertime Slump
Summer vacation is in full swing, which means kids are officially checked out of the classroom and focused on fun. However, it’s...

Five Fun And Educational Summer Vacations For The Whole Family
School might be out for summer, but that doesn’t mean kids have to stop learning during their months off. Summer break gives families the...

Stress Management Tips for Final Exams
The end of the school year is an exciting time for students as summer is right around the corner. It also marks the time for final exams...

Four Tips to Help Take the SAT
It's never too early to start preparing for the SATs. The comprehensive assessment test is one of the key academic measurements college...

The Four Best Tricks to Help Your Child Memorize Information
Whether young or old, our brains can sometimes have trouble retaining certain information. As we celebrate this year’s President’s Day on...

Summer Camp can Enrich Summertime
Summer programs are a great tool for your child’s mental and social development. When the school year ends, sunshine and swimsuits come...