Five Tips to Ensure a Smooth Back to School Transition for the Whole Family

Summer break is officially winding down— over the next few weeks, kids will be saying goodbye to their camps and vacations in order to return to the classroom for another year of school. For a lot of students, that transition between summer break and the school year can create a lot of stress. But going back to school doesn’t need to be a struggle. Best in Class Education Center, which helps K-12 students move toward the top of their class through customized educational programs, rounded up five key tips that make going back to school simple for both kids and parents:
Get Back into a Routine
It’s important for kids to get used to running on “school time” again. That means getting back on track with a scheduled bed time, established healthy eating habits, and a designated time for homework or tutoring. Getting back into a routine before the school year officially begins makes it easier for students and parents to adjust once classes are in full swing.
Cut Down on Screen Time
When kids are on summer break, they often spend their nights winding down in front of a TV, smartphone, or tablet. As the new school year approaches, it’s helpful to phase these electronics out of kids’ daily routines, especially at night. Instead, encourage kids to get ready for bed by reading a physical book.
Brush Up on the Basics
After enjoying a few months off, it can be hard for students to go back to doing homework every day. That’s why parents should help keep children’s minds active throughout the summer. Activities like cooking in the kitchen and writing in a journal are great ways for kids to brush up on their basic math and writing skills.
Sign Up for After-School Activities
Going back to school doesn’t just mean going back to the classroom—the academic year also involves after school sports, clubs, and activities. Parents can talk to their kids about the after-school programs they want to be a part of this year, and then get the ball rolling on the enrollment process.
Set Goals and Look Ahead
Students shouldn’t start the year without an idea of what they’ll be learning about in the upcomingmonths. By going over courses and setting academic goals, kids can feel better prepared for the year of learning ahead.
To help your student exceed his or her academics goals, a local resource, Best in Class Education Center, offers a variety of customized, supplemental enrichment courses and tutoring options to ensure your students are equipped with the tools they need this school year. Best in Class Education is targeting 20 additional units in 2016. The current team behind Best in Class is looking for passionate and dedicated individuals to join this premier franchise family and ensure our youth will excel academically.
For more information about Best in Class services for your student, or about current franchising opportunities, visit or call toll free at 1.888.683.8108.
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