Take advantage of the local libraries in the area - from Mason to West Chester to downtown Cincinnati. They have lots of kid-friendly story times available and best of all they are FREE. In addition to having a never ending supply of books, they also have DVD rentals, and music. There are also plenty of FREE library programs, activities and summer reading prorams.
Lebanon Public Library
MidPointe Library System - West Chester, Trenton, Middletown

Lloyd Library & Museum
917 Plum St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Located in downtown Cincinnati (close to the Cincinnati Fire Museum), the Lloyd Library is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30am-4pm, Monday through Friday. The library is all about science - you'll find books on botany, horticulture, gardening, pharmacy, natural products, herbal medicine and alternative medicine. They also feature the Lloyd Library for Kids - great place to do research for a school botany project.
Lebanon Public Library
101 South Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio 45036 - (513) 932-2665
Located in historic downtown Lebanon. The LPL offers story times and other programs for adults and youth. Visit their calendar of events to see what is currently happening.
Summer Reading Program: Shoot for the Stars
Begins May 20, 2017
Earn prizes for reading books.
Open to infants to HS seniors.
Last day to pick up prizes is Sat. Aug. 19 at 5 p.m.
Mason Public Libaray
200 Reading Road, Mason, Oh 45040 - (513) 398-2711
This is our "go to" hometown library. They have a children's section and a nice variety of children's DVDs & music CDs as well as a nice teen and adult section. We've been to their wonderful storytimes when the girls were little. I'd highly recommend them since the librarians that do the storytimes are terrific. You don't need to pre-register either (an adult is required to stay with children at some of the story times). Please visit the Mason Public Library website to double check their story times and more information on their summer reading program and special events.
Summer Reading Program: Build a Better World
Babies & Toddlers (newborn to 36 months)
Children (3 to 12 years)
Teens (12 to 18 years)
Register and log your progress online Tuesday, May 30 – 4 p.m. Thursday, July 27.
Pick up your prizes 10 a.m. Monday, June 5 – 4 p.m. Thursday, July 27.
Grand prize winners will be notified by phone by 5 p.m. July 28, 2017.
Grand prizes may be picked up Saturday 9 a.m. 7/29/17 until Saturday 5 p.m. Saturday 8/12/17.
The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
Various locations
Now let's talk about a reader's delight - what more can you ask for in such an extensive library system. There are 40 branches in Hamilton County for you to utilize. You'll need to check out their website to see everything there is to offer but I do want to mention a few locations since I think they are worth seeing and enjoying.
The Main Library - Downtown Cincinnati - You really need to get here at least once. This library is the "busiest public library in the country" according to the Public Library Association....that is amazing. They have a huge Children's Library with fun computer stations and of course, lots and lots of books. Check it out (literally)!
Loveland Public Library - 649 Loveland-Madeira Rd., Loveland, Ohio. Free story times offered.
Symmes Township Branch -Since this library is so close to us, you may want to head there for storytime or just to get some books. 1850 Enyart Rd., Loveland, Ohio 45140 (513) 369-6001.
Summer Reading Program: Summer Adventure
June 1 - stop into any library location to register for your Adventure Kit that includes:
A Summer Adventure Passport​
A free book
A voucher for a free view level ticket at a Cincinnati Reds gams
Have fun, and record your reading and other activities in your passport:
Brain Camps - Offered at the branches for children entering grades 1-5. Sessions are 3 hours and these are FREE!
Registration currently underway (some camps are full)
Summer Lunches - For kids 18 and under, offered daily in the summer at various library locations. Available Monday through Friday starting June 5 through Aug. 5. No food service on July 4.
Main Library — 12:15 p.m.
Avondale Branch — 12:30 p.m.
Bond Hill Branch — 1 p.m. (lunch), 4:30 p.m. (snack)
College Hill Branch — 1 p.m.
Covedale Branch — 12:30 p.m.
Deer Park Branch — 12:30 p.m. (lunch), 3 p.m. (snack)
Elmwood Place Branch — 12:30 p.m. (lunch), 4 p.m. (snack)
Groesbeck Branch — 12:30 p.m.
Madisonville Branch — 12:30 p.m.
Mt. Healthy Branch — 1 p.m. Lunch service runs Monday through Thursday, June 5-July 27
North Central Branch — 12:30 p.m.
Reading Branch — 12:30 p.m. (lunch), 4:30 p.m. (snack)
West End Branch — 12:30 p.m.
MidPointe Library System
Middletown, Trenton, West Chester
Visit the calendar of events for West Chester, Middletown and Trenton.
Barnes & Noble
917 Plum St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Various locations in Greater Cincinnati. Offering free storytimes for kids. Visit their website for dates/times.
The Streets of West Chester - 9455 Civic Centre Blvd., West Chester OH 45069 (513) 755-2258.
Waterstone - 9891 Waterstone Blvd, Cincinnati, OH 45249 - (513) 683-5599.
Cincinnati - Sycamore Plaza - 7800 Montgomery Rd. (513) 794-9320.
Note: please refer to store events calendar for dates/times since story times are subject to change.
Blue Manatee Storytimes
3054 Madison Rd., Oakley - (513) 731-2655
They have so many wonderful story times and events for kids. There is also an adorable cafe attached to the bookstore that is super kid friendly. If you are looking for a great place to host a birthday partee or manaTea party visit theirwebsite to see all they have to offer. 3054 Madison Road, Oakley. 513-731-2665.
ManaTots story time - Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. for preschoolers and toddlers. FREE!
Language story time - Held on Saturdays, they alternate Spanish, German & French story times - 10:30 a.m. - FREE!
Preschool story time - Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. - FREE!
Author & Illustrator book signings - various dates/times.
Note: please refer to store events calendar for dates/times since story times are subject to change.
Half Price Books
Various locations
I love this bookstore. If you check out their clearance section, you can get some great kids books for $1 or less. They have a great summer reading program - Feed Your Brain. Close to us is the Mason location in the Arbor Square shopping center - 8211 Arbor Square Dr., Mason, OH. (513) 770-4390. Visit Half Price Books for other store locations participating.
Summer Reading: Feed your Brain
Kids 14 and under can earn Bookworm Bucks for reading in June & July. Download a reading log and bring to your local Half Price Books by Aug. 31, 2017.
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
Various locations
Joseph-Beth Cincinnati location has storytimes on Monday, Wednesday & Fridays at 10:30 a.m. Click here for special events offered for kids.
Rookwood Location - 2692 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45208. (513) 396-8970.