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Summer Camp can Enrich Summertime

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Summer programs are a great tool for your child’s mental and social development.

When the school year ends, sunshine and swimsuits come to mind. For children, those months might also mean s’mores and sing-alongs with fellow campers. Summer programs are a great way to increase a child’s social and cognitive skills while the academic year is out. If you’re considering enrolling your child in a summer program, it’s important to learn about the different types of programs available, admission procedures, schedules, and costs.

Knowing your child’s personality as well as your options will help you identify the camp your child (and you) will benefit most from. According to the American Camp Association, a leading authority on youth development, summer camps can offer fun and meaningful adventures to match your child’s enthusiasm and maturity level.

Here are a few things to consider when choosing a camp:

Day camp versus overnight camp – Sleep-away camps engage children in a distinct part of community building which is difficult to replicate in the traditional school setting. Day camps also have their advantages–younger children may not be ready to learn the independence and self-reliance learned from being away from their parents. Day camps are also less expensive compared to overnight camps, with the benefits being more skill-based than social. It’s important to consider your child’s level of independence in addition to your financial and learning expectations.

Types of camps – With such a broad range of camps and programs available across the U.S., there are countless options to suit the interests and needs of every child. A few examples of different camps include academics, sports, arts, leadership skills, and many more. These specialized camps can enhance your child’s natural curiosity in areas ranging from STEM education to drama and stage performance.

To pick the right type of camp, whether it’s overnight or day, ask yourself these questions to narrow down your search:•

  • Do I want my child to learn something or find a place that serves as childcare?

  • What are the qualifications of the camp director and staff? Are they adequately screened?

  • What is the staff to child ratio?

  • What is the age range of camp goers?

  • What is the daily schedule and what activities are included?

Camp is an enriching experience for children of all ages and is a great supplement to the academic school year. Best in Class also offers academic summer programs. To learn more, please visit

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Disclaimer: Best in Class is an advertiser on MasonMetu. Our advertisers can provide guest posts to include on MasonMetu.


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