Earth Day Activities and Learning Opportunities

Every year on April 22, we celebrate Earth Day and educate ourselves on the ways we can help protect the environment we live in. While reminding ourselves of ways to contribute to planet Earth, it is a great time to also teach your children about their daily impact on the world – and there are several fun ways to do this!
Best in Class Education Center, which helps K-12 students prepare for academic success through
customized educational programs, is always thinking of ways for students and parents to find new learning opportunities. Here are six ways to incorporate both learning and fun into your Earth Day celebrations this year:
Plant a Tree or a Garden
Trees benefit our environment in multiple ways by producing oxygen and filtering pollutants from the air. Go the extra mile and have your child start their own garden – inside or outside – to grow food, plants, and herbs. Gardening can be a fun activity to do with the whole family as everyone watches the garden grow.
Coordinate a Community Donation
Have your child organize a class donation at school or have birthday party guests bring donation items for a shelter in your community. Everyone has items that can be reused instead of thrown away; spring cleaning doesn’t have to be just once a year!
Organize a Cleanup Day
Walk around the neighborhood, your local park, or community with friends and family and clean up trash and debris that may have built up from the winter. Not only is this good for your local environment, but it teaches children to respect the world we live in and how much one piece of trash from each person in the community can amount to.
Visit the Library
The library is a great resource that many kids and families may not take advantage of in the world of on demand and online services. Borrowing books, CDs, and DVDs from the library is a great way to reduce waste by reusing copies instead of buying new ones.
Collect Rainwater
“April showers bring May flowers!” Your family can collect that rainwater by placing a pail outside of your home. Once it fills up, teach your child how the water collected can be reused for things like washing the car, watering plants, or cleaning other outdoor items.
Spend Time Outside
It’s simple but effective. Being outside can give your children an appreciation for the nature and
environment we live in. Try going on a walk, camping, or hiking with your children to encourage them to do so. Allow for more outdoor playtime on a regular basis even after Earth Day is over.
To help your student exceed his or her academics goals, a local resource, Best in Class Education Center, offers a variety of customized, supplemental enrichment courses and tutoring options to ensure your students are equipped with the tools they need this school year.
For more information about Best in Class services for your student, or about current franchising
opportunities, visit or call toll free at 1-888- 683-8108.
To help your student exceed his or her academics goals, Best in Class Education Center, offers a variety of customized, supplemental enrichment courses and tutoring options to ensure your students are equipped with the tools they need this school year. For more information about Best in Class services for your student, or about current franchising opportunities, visit or call toll free at 1.888.683.8108.
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