"Love it or List it?"

You own a house. For a period of time it may have felt like a home, but now it’s
starting to feel like a house again. The house hasn’t changed: its frame is the same as
it has always been. But YOU have changed. You may be are getting married, starting
a family, adding furry friends, assisting your parents in old age or any number of
events. Whatever it is, when homeowners get this feeling, it’s either time to sell or
renovate. How do you know when it makes sense to invest in renovations or to sell?
Here are some reasons to sell and some reasons to renovate:
Sell It
You want more space without the hassle of
You won’t have to deal with builders, mess,
The shape or era of the house isn’t pleasing
Unsolvable issues: proximity to industrial
Renovations would end up increasing the
Renovate It
Your existing mortgage has low interest rates,
You’ve established yourself in the community,
Sentimental attachment
Renovations would add value to your home
When making your decision it can be helpful to write out a list of pros and cons of
either selling or renovating. Make sure to take into account where you are in life,
what would make you happy, what is feasible, emotional attachment, aesthetic and
the money involved.
We aren’t all housing market, real estate or zoning experts. Making a well-informed
decision can be overwhelming. To alleviate the stress and insure you have all the
facts, you need a trusted agent by your side—someone with an expert opinion who has your best interest in mind. For more information on renovation costs,
Contact me today: 513-254-5440, email michelle.hudepohl@cbws.com or visit online. I’m ready to help you move in the right direction! Find me on Facebook.
Disclaimer: Michelle Hudepohl is an advertiser on MasonMetu. Many thanks for her continued support.