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Winning Chili Recipe (or maybe it's a dip).

A few years ago, I transitioned MasonMetu to a new home on wix and in the transition some of my original posts were never transferred over to the new site. So I thought I'd share an old post since it's the perfect time of year to enjoy a nice bowl of chili.

A few years ago we went to a chili cook-off and everyone had to bring a pot of chili and then we did secret judging. The categories were A) Favorite, B) Spiciest & C) Most Unique. I almost didn’t enter my crock-pot of wonder since it technically wasn’t a chili – more like a dip for tortilla chips but I thought, why not, and threw myself into the mix. Now, not to brag (ok, well maybe a little) but I did win a chili cook-off one year at work and guess what????? I won again. Whoo-hoo. Yes, I am gloating but only in fun since my cooking or as I like to call it “Cooking with Kristin” isn’t the most difficult to master. So, here is the winning recipe (thanks to my Mom for giving it to me). Basically, you just need to dump a bunch of canned goods into a crock-pot with some taco seasoning and you too will have a winning dish. Sandy’s #1 Superbowl Chili

  • Taco seasoning packet

  • 1 can whole corn (drain)

  • 1 can black beans (rinse & drain)

  • 1 can kidney beans (rinse & drain)

  • 1 can stewed tomatoes

  • 1 can 8oz tomato sauce

  • 1 can chopped green chilies

  • ½ cup chopped onions

Mix all together in a crock-pot, cover and heat on low for 5-7 hours. Serve with tortilla chips. I guess if you want to make it more into a soup, you can add some more tomato sauce. You could add shredded chicken or hamburger to make it heartier.



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