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Don’t Miss Your Opportunity for Success

There is an inspiring quote attributed to the world-famous scientist Albert Einstein that reads: "Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value." Over the past year, this quote has truly come to life for my real estate business. Like all businesses, we go through ups and downs. But one thing that has been persistent throughout these hills and valleys is what keeps me going every day: adding value by helping families move in the right direction.

The entire moving process can be overwhelming, but at the end of the day, I know that with great service, a positive move can impact a family physically, emotionally and financially. It makes me so excited to share that this mantra of helping my clients has led to a phenomenal year of business growth!

The real estate calendar ends with the fiscal year, at the end of September, and I closed out one of my best years ever, with more than $8 million worth of homes sold in our community! I even received a personal text message from CBWS President Joe King on my success.

Can you believe that personal touch?! Joe is a great leader, and it’s clear in the success of all of the people in our regional office: we were up nearly 20% in closed units versus prior year levels, while the Greater Cincinnati MLS was up only 7%. To date, we are up 12% while the market is up only 6.5%...amazing!!

But what does this success really tell you? It tells you that working with me as your real estate agent is a good decision—a decision that can impact your family, your finances, and your future. If you’re like me, simply telling you that working with me to help you move in the right direction isn’t enough. Check out this infographic below to read more about my strengths and—most importantly—how they benefit you!

Contact me today: 513-254-5440, email or visit online. I’m ready to help you move in the right direction!

Disclaimer: Michelle Hudepohl is an advertiser on MasonMetu. Many thanks for her continued support.


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