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Pedal Boat Fun at Sharon Woods

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There are so many amazing parks in Greater Cincinnati and one of our favorites is Sharon Woods. Part of the the Great Parks of Hamilton County, Sharon Woods has so much to offer. There's a nature center, hiking trails, golf course, playgrounds, sprayground, picnic areas, fishing, and boating fun. Recently we enjoyed a family pedal boat ride. There's something soothing about being on the water and when you're surrounded by lush trees and gorgeous views, it just adds to the experience.

Our girls love taking a pedal boat ride. It's an inexpensive way to spend some quality time with your kids. We rented a covered pedal boat (seats 4) for an hour ($12.85 plus tax). I'd recommend the covered boat to give you some shade while you paddle around Sharon Lake. You can also rent canoes, mini pontoon boats, row boats, kayaks and stand-up paddleboards (next on my water fun "to do list"). Click here for rental rates. If you wanted to spend more time on the lake, think about renting a row boat, only $12.85 plus tax for a 3 hour rental. If you decide to fish, you do need to purchase a fishing license.

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It's a good idea to bring water or gatorade to keep hydrated. I always bring a towel too in case we need to dry off any of the seats. Sunscreen and sunglasses are also recommended. Lifejackets are provided for everyone.

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After our boat ride, we enjoyed a picnic lunch and then stopped at the snack bar for an ice cream cone.

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This is the playground area in front of the snack bar. There are some covered picnic areas and tables available to use. There is also a wet water feature for the kids to get cooled off (not pictured).

It was another fun day at the park. We hope you'll get a chance to visit one day soon.

4631 E. Kemper Road

Cincinnati, OH 45241


Note: A motor vehicle permit is required to park. It is only $10 for an annual pass and this covers you for parking at any of the Great Parks of Hamilton County parks.


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