Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati presents Sleeping Beauty
I love seeing live theatre and I love it even more when my kids experience it too. There is something magical about seeing a story come to life on the stage. This season the Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati graciously invited us to see a preview of their upcoming show, Sleeping Beauty. My girls were enthralled. The ETC is a small and intimate theatre so you really get to see the performers much closer than you would in a larger scale theater. I love that. You can view the intricate details on the costumes, see facial expressions, and hear the actors clearly. The cast also utilizes the stage wonderfully. It's really something to see when they have a big group number.

Sleeping Beauty really kept my girls' attention (ages 9 & 11). We throughly enjoyed the show and love the twist they put on this rendition. I don't want to give it away but I found the ending very touching and a sweet way to tell the tale. My girls' favorite characters were the three fairies, Daisy, Marigold and Lilac. Of course, I was drawn to the evil fairy, Wisteria, played by the magnificent Deb. G. Girdler. My Mom also went with us and she was partial to King Stefan and Queen Olivia. Their duet song, "A Thorn in my Side", was highly entertaining. The rest of the cast was amazing. I mean you can't have Sleeping Beauty without a prince (Prince William) and a princess (Briar Rose). They had great chemistry.

The three fairies.

With Sleeping Beauty, Briar Rose (and a photo bomb from the devious Falcon).
The holiday season is filled with so many wonderful events, but if you get the chance, treat yourself and your kids and see Sleeping Beauty.
WHAT: Sleeping Beauty - Book by Joseph McDonough, Music & Lyrics by David Kisor
WHERE: Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati, 1127 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
WHEN: December 3, 2014-January 4, 2015 - Opening Night: Wednesday, September 3 at 7:00 pm
TIMES: Select Mon-Wed at 7:00 pm; Thurs-Sat at 7:00 pm; Sat & Sun at 2:00 pm; Sun at 6:00 pm
TICKETS: $44 for adults; students, $25; children 12 and under, $18
CONTENT ADVISORY : This production is suitable for all audiences.
DISCOUNTS - Half-Price Rush Tickets: All remaining tickets for the current day’s performance(s) are available two hours prior to each show time for half-price (discount does not apply to senior or children’s tickets) when purchasing by phone or in person. $15 Student Rush Tickets: Students may purchase up to two $15 student rush tickets two hours prior to show time with valid student I.D. Available in person only. AAA, Military, and Educator discounts available. Group discounts available for 8+. Complete details available at www.ensemblecincinnati.org.
You can also visit the Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati on Facebook.

Disclaimer: I was given tickets to see the show in exchange for sharing about my experience. Thank you ETC!