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Ice 'n Ez Italian Ice Giveaway

Summer has arrived and a great way to cool down on a hot summer day is to visit ICE 'N EZ for some gourmet Italian Ice. They offer 32 flavors of Italian Ice. One of my favorites is their Lemon Squeeze but with flavors like Vanilla Chip, Cherry Lime, Mint Chip, Pina Colada, Manic Mango and many more, I think I need to expand my palate. My girls love going to get Italian Ice too. It's one of their favorite cool treats. It's also great that it's conveniently located in dowtown Mason across the street from the Mason Public Library. So, make an outing and visit the library and then head over for an Italian Ice.

Plus, enjoying an Italian Ice is great if you are counting calories. It's a delicious fat-free, gluten free and dairy-free treat which has only 60 calories per 3 oz. serving. ICE 'N EZ offers sugar free flavor options that taste just like the real thing an you can get various size individual servings, as well as pints, quarts and gallons for take home fun.

Thanks to ICE 'N EZ, five families will be able to cool down with this delicious treat.


Ice 'N EZ is giving away five (4) Family Four Packs to Mason Metu readers, that's 2 large cups of Italian Ice and 2 kiddie cups of Italian Ice, in any of their current 32 flavors.

Must be 18 years or older and live in Greater Cincinnati or Greater Dayton. Winner will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to accept or a new winner will be selected. Winner may be congratulated on MasonMetu's facebook page and on (first name, last initial). Enter by Tues. June 10 at Midnight. Winner will need to redeem their free Italian Ices by Aug. 15, 2014.

To Enter: Enter via Rafflecopter (box below), multiple entries allowed.

Discount/Deal: Even if you don't win one of the family four packs, you can still get a great deal. Mention Mason Metu in the store to receive: A Family Four Pack for just $10, which includes 2 large and 2 kiddie sized cups of Italian Ices. That's a $2 savings! Or, get a free quart or pint with the purchase of 2 quarts or pints of equal or greater value. Lowest price item is free. Italian Ice can stay in the freezer for up to 3 months (but we're sure your family won't let it last that long!) That's up to a $9 savings!

Fine Print: One offer per family per day and may not be combined with any other price reduction or store savings program. Offers are good until June 30, 2014. Stay connected with ICE 'N EZ on Facebook:

115 Reading Road Mason, Ohio 45040 (513) 336-0062

Disclaimer: ICE 'N EZ is a paid advertiser on MasonMetu.


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