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Adventures Around Cincinnati Book Giveaway! (CLOSED)

I love living in Mason and being so close to Cincinnati is an added bonus. I also love that Greater Cincinnati has so many amazing and fun things for families to enjoy. There is so much to see and do. Even though, we have done quite a few things in the area, there is always more to explore. One book that can help you with your planning with some quality family fun is Adventures Around Cincinnati. The authors, Laura Hoevener and Terri Weeks, are both local Moms who started planning adventures together and, lucky for all of us, they have chronicled these in an easy to use reference book. The second edition was recently released featuring 50 new adventures. Wow!

I was so excited when I received my copy in the mail. It is already earmarked with places we'd like to visit. This summer, we are going to select one day of the week and have the girls alternate on choosing one of the adventures from the book. Some of the adventures that caught my eye include:

  • American Sign Museum - (page 24). Now located in Camp Washington, this unique museum offers guided tours that will help you appreciate the history of signs. There are signs dating back to 1890 on display.

  • Hands Against Hunger at the Hope Factory - (page 125). Here families can volunteer together. Kids as young as 8 years old can participate and help package "Hope Boxes" that are filled with food and water for kids in need. The Hope Boxes are shipped all over the world. Younger children can stand beside their parents and decorate and color the boxes. What a great way to have kids experience volunteering at an early age. Donations are welcomed.

  • Carillon Historical Park - (page 186). This adventure is in Dayton and looks like a great way to spend the day. AAC states, "Set up like a village, it consists of over 30 historical structures with various exhibits". Your admission also includes the Heritage Center which houses a 4-D theatre and the Carousel of Dayton Innovation (you can ride this for $1/ride).

At the end of the summer, I'll post about the adventures my girls selected. I wonder if any of our selections will match up. If you'd like to start earmarking your own Adventures Around Cincinnati book, it's available on their website (you will get a signed book from the authors, $18.95) or you can also find the book on

Adventures Around Cincinnati Book Giveaway:

Thanks to Adventures Around Cincinnati, we are giving away a signed copy of the book. You must be 18 years or older to enter and be residents of Greater Cincinnati or Greater Dayton. Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to accept or a new winner will be selected. Winners will be congratulated on MasonMetu and/or MasonMetu's facebook page (first name, last initial only). Enter by Friday, April 18 at Midnight.

To enter: Enter via Rafflecopter - see Rafflecopter box below.

Congratulations Melissa S.

Disclaimer: Adventures Around Cincinnati provided me with a copy of their book to help spread the word.


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