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Snacktime Giveaway - Win a FREE case of new Mikesell's snacks! (CLOSED)

I know spring is almost here when I'm contacted to try out some of Mikesell's newest snacks. I like snacks; I like spring. Put them both together and you have a winning combination. This year they are debuting two new flavors, Buffalo Puffcorn Delights and Cincinnati Style Groovy Potato Chips.

Headquartered in Dayton, Ohio, Mikesell's has been around since 1910 and 4 generations of the Daniel W. Mikesell family have worked for the company with three currently there. Wow! Here are some interesting Mikesell's snack facts:

  • It takes 4 pounds of potatoes to make one pound of potato chips (get peeling everyone).

  • 4,000 pounds of potato chips are produced in one hour.

  • 6,500 cases of potato chips are typically run in an eight-hour shift.

  • 12 million bags of Mikesell's potato chips are sold annually in the United States.

  • 20 million pounds of potatoes are processed through the Mikesell's production line each year.

I think they know their potatoes! Now onward to the snacks. I wondered how they would be able to translate Cincinnati style chili into a chip. Somehow, they did it. When you first open the bag and inhale, memories of your first 3-way may flood back. My husband and I sampled these and we both would buy them again. They had a subtle heat and great crunch that kept us reaching back into the bag for more. I even tasted a bit of sweetness after the heat. My kiddos palates aren't too into spices or heat of any kind so they prefer regular Mikesell's potato chips.

But, my favorite was definitely the Buffalo Popcorn Delites. I really enjoyed the Buffalo flavored spice on these little airy morsels of yumminess. I shared them with my husband but sort of took over the bag. It was probably a good thing that this was just a sample size bag and not regular size.

You will find Mikesell's products locally in Kroger and Wallmart as well as in limited locations at United Dairy Farmers and Speedway. The newest flavors should be in stores by March 2014. Or if you can't find them in stores, you can always visit Mikesell's online and "build your own case". Stop by and visit Mikesell's on Facebook too.

Mikesell's Giveaway:

Mikesell's will ship one lucky MasonMetu viewer, a FREE case of the new Mikesell's snacks. The snack pack will include three bags of Cincinnati Style Chili Groovy Potato Chips and three pags of Buffalo Popcorn Delites. You must be 18 years or older to enter and be residents of Greater Cincinnati or Greater Dayton. Winners will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to accept or a new winner will be selected. Winners will be congratulated on MasonMetu and/or MasonMetu's facebook page (first name, last initial only). Enter by Friday, March 21 at Midnight.

To enter: Enter via Rafflecopter - see Rafflecopter box below.

Disclaimer: Miksell's sent my family samples of the snacks so we could share our thoughts with MasonMetu viewers.


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