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Skidaddles Holiday Giveaway! (CLOSED)

Disclaimer: The post and giveaway are sponsored by our featured advertiser, Skidaddles.

Looking to get some holiday shopping done or just need a break for you? Then Skidaddles "drop-in anytime child care" is this place to be. You can rest easy knowing your kids will be having a great time at Skidaddles.

You can even get a sneak peak at Skidaddles Mason by visiting this Saturday, Dec. 14 from 10am-Noon. The Santa breakfast was rescheduled due to the snow last week. Don't forget your cameras since Santa will be ready to take pictures with your child. The event is free and open to the community. Just give them a call to let them know you'll be heading over.

Skidaddles Holiday Giveaway includes free registration, and three free hours of child care and a free kids meal.

To enter: Must be 18 years or older and a resident of Greater Cincinnati or Greater Dayton. Winners will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to accept or a new winner will be selected. Winners will be congratulated (first name, last initial) on MasonMetu and our MasonMetu fan page. Enter by Friday, Dec. 20 at noon.

  • Enter via Rafflecopter box below.

  • Multiple entries are allowed via Rafflecopter.

  • Join the MasonMetu free weekly e-newsletter (leave a comment that you did this or are a current subscriber).

  • Where it says Leave a Blog Post Comment, go to the Disqus comment box to leave your comment and then you can click that you completed that task.

5939 Deerfield Blvd, Suite 104

Mason, OH 45040

P: (513) 204-3482 F: (513) 204-6048


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Giveaways - How do they work?

From time to time, MasonMetu has some wonderful giveaways - it could be a product or tickets to an event. Many times, the company providing the giveaway to our readers, also graciously gives my family tickets to the event in exchange for MasonMetu posting about the giveaway and helping with promotion. I will always disclose if my family has received tickets and/or a product for us to keep.  We also have sponsored posts whereby a company may compensate MasonMetu for the time it takes to post a giveaway, promote it and select a winner. The opinions expressed in a blog post are my own opinions.


If you are interested in doing a giveaway on MasonMetu, please email MasonMetu. You can also visit our disclaimers page for more information on our affiliate advertisers as well as our privacy policy. We also have direct advertising options available on MasonMetu. Please visit our advertiser directory to see the wonderful businesses who support MasonMetu - we are so grateful to them.


To get an additional entry to any of our giveaways, please join the MasonMetu newsletter. Emails are never shared and you will get a free weekly e-newsletter on all the upcoming family-friendly events. Many of the events are free!

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